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Things I love: God, people, singing, sky, photography :)

Saturday 8 January 2011

A letter...

Hi there. Thankyou for being there, constantly, unfailingly. Thankyou that your there for ME. I thankyou that you know me. I mean you REALLY know me. Nobody on this EARTH knows me except from you, not anybody and I sincerely thankyou for that. Thankyou that you love me. Thankyou that even If sometimes I feel like I don't love you, your still there, loving me. Thankyou that when I hurt you, fail you, let you down, you still love me. I need somebody like that. Somebody like you. In fact, thats all I need. And I'm sorry. Truly Sorry that I get distracted so easily. That I let things pull my attention away from you and that sometimes I forget how much I need you. I know you've seen me. You've seen me turn to other people and things for the acceptance and love that I should find in you. But they can't give it to me. How could they ever give it to me the way you do? I hate the thought of knowing you've watched me run deeper into places or peoples hearts, thinking I can get what I need there, and the whole time you've just been loving me, whilst I've stood with my back to you. I'm sorry. I want to trust you. I really do. I want to trust you with my life, my future, my now, everything. I know I don't do this all the time but I hope, I KNOW, you know that I want to. Thankyou for helping me learn. I know your completely trustworthy and I never have to be afraid of anything. I want to know you more. I want to spend time with you more. I want you to spend time with me more. I want to make you my security and I want to forget about myself. In every way I want to forget about myself. I can do nothing, but you can do everything. Never let me forget that. I want to make you the most important thing in my life. I never want anyone or anything to come before you. I don't deserve you. Your goodness is unspeakable and every part of me is desperate to be closer to you than I am now. I love you. I'm sorry that I don't always show it. Would you help me? Please would you help me?

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