About Me

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Things I love: God, people, singing, sky, photography :)

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Anywhere away.

Look up and see the world I'm suppose to taste
But it doesn't match up to this place.

Step up and say the words I'm suppose to say
But my mind is far away.

I can't breathe-
This life is suffocating me.
Nobody knows me here but you
My hearts loose and I can't feel you

Take me away
Anywhere away from this place.
I need to feel lost, to feel found
No I don't even understand myself.

Reach out and touch the face I've feared most,
Why does it feel so hard to be so close?

Somehow there's deception in my eyes
And I'm desperate to know you've recognised.

I can't breathe-
This life is suffocating me.
Nobody knows me here but you
My hearts loose and I can't feel you

Take me away
Anywhere away from this place.
I need to feel lost, to feel found
No I don't even understand myself.

I don't even understand myself.
I don't even understand myself.

I can't breathe-
This life is suffocating me.
Nobody knows me here but you
My hearts loose and I need to feel you.

Sunday 16 January 2011

I need you. I don't need anything else in this world if I have you, nothing on this earth could ever satisfy anything my heart desires. I only want you now. I want to forget about everything else. I mean this, I don't just want to say these things and then tomorrow live the same way I always have. I want to be completely utterly devoted to you, I want to live every second of everyday in surrender to you. I want to be carefree. I want to spend every living moment with you, in your presence. I miss you when I'm gone. You never go, only I do. I don't want that anymore. I don't want to walk in and out of a life devoted to you, I want you to BE my life.

My soul longs for you, my soul longs for you, nothing else will do.
My soul longs for you, my soul longs for you, nothing else will do.
My soul longs for you, my soul longs for you, nothing else will do.

Monday 10 January 2011

Your face is what I long to see.

Enough Said.


Your voice is beautiful. You are beautiful. When you speak, I come alive, and life becomes worth living. I love to hear your voice. I love to know your thoughts, and to understand your heart a little bit more. I love when you just sit with me. You don't have to say anything, and neither do I, but I know your there. I love your presence, just your being there. I love knowing the safety and comfort of your love, when everything seems hopeless, you are the brightest hope. You really are beautiful. Thankyou.

Saturday 8 January 2011

A letter...

Hi there. Thankyou for being there, constantly, unfailingly. Thankyou that your there for ME. I thankyou that you know me. I mean you REALLY know me. Nobody on this EARTH knows me except from you, not anybody and I sincerely thankyou for that. Thankyou that you love me. Thankyou that even If sometimes I feel like I don't love you, your still there, loving me. Thankyou that when I hurt you, fail you, let you down, you still love me. I need somebody like that. Somebody like you. In fact, thats all I need. And I'm sorry. Truly Sorry that I get distracted so easily. That I let things pull my attention away from you and that sometimes I forget how much I need you. I know you've seen me. You've seen me turn to other people and things for the acceptance and love that I should find in you. But they can't give it to me. How could they ever give it to me the way you do? I hate the thought of knowing you've watched me run deeper into places or peoples hearts, thinking I can get what I need there, and the whole time you've just been loving me, whilst I've stood with my back to you. I'm sorry. I want to trust you. I really do. I want to trust you with my life, my future, my now, everything. I know I don't do this all the time but I hope, I KNOW, you know that I want to. Thankyou for helping me learn. I know your completely trustworthy and I never have to be afraid of anything. I want to know you more. I want to spend time with you more. I want you to spend time with me more. I want to make you my security and I want to forget about myself. In every way I want to forget about myself. I can do nothing, but you can do everything. Never let me forget that. I want to make you the most important thing in my life. I never want anyone or anything to come before you. I don't deserve you. Your goodness is unspeakable and every part of me is desperate to be closer to you than I am now. I love you. I'm sorry that I don't always show it. Would you help me? Please would you help me?